Terrible OB appointment.. I'm worried


We went to my first doctors appointment and it didn't go like I thought it would. I thought it would be happy and we get to see what was going on in there neither of those happened. I had a ultrasound and the tech did not show the screen or print any pictures. The doctor came in and the first thing she said was she could see the sack sack but there is no fetus. I asked her what was wrong and she said that she did not know that it could just be early to come back in 2 weeks. Based on my period so I should be eight weeks. I don't know if I'm earlier what's going on but I left the appointment extremely upset. No exclamations know nothing. This morning I got up and there was something weird to my electronics heart when I googled it it just said that I missed three more periods. Now I'm left with more even more confused.