I found a good one 💕

So, my husband works nights. He leaves for work at 5pm and gets home at 7am. Before he left last night, he reminded me that I need to get the kitchen cleaned up before I go to bed. It was a disaster! Dishes piled up everywhere, spills and crumbs all over the counter, just terrible (loads of cooking for a Christmas party. I'm not very good at cleaning as I cook 🤷‍♀️). I also had some other cleaning I needed to get done. Bathrooms, floors, trash my dogs got into, etc. We have people coming over later, so it all needed to be done by a certain time. Well, I had a pretty bad/emotional night (not going into detail) so I did not get any of the cleaning done. I planned to wake up a little bit early to get it all done, but when I woke up, the kitchen was mostly cleaned, the trash was picked up, the floors were started, and my husband was in the bathroom cleaning. After working a 12hr shift, he came home and did all the cleaning I was supposed to do last night. He did not know what I dealt with last night, for all he knew I was just being lazy, and instead of getting mad or being upset with me, he just let me sleep while he got the chores done. He did not end up going to bed until noon (he usually showers and goes straight to bed after work). I don't know what I did to deserve him! 💕💕