Evap or ???? Anyone ??

JM • 28 started TTC #baby 1 June 2016. 2 and half years 🌟

I just took a hpt test cause I wasn’t feeling overly well, I don’t really trust cheap test but I have them sitting around anyway.

I know these and cheap ones show Evaps heaps easy and I have gotten evaps heaps of times.

Can anyone see something ? I swear I can, but I honestly think it’s an evap. 10mark so cause these test take a while to develop.

I got a positive opk on cd18. But I don’t know if it was positive days so before or not. But I’m only on cd21. And I’ve got like 12 days till af is even due.

I’m just so confused to be honest.

We did bd cd12-13 and cd16.

But damn these test confuse me