Baby boy is here ! Successful membrane sweep!


Not even 24 hours after my second sweep!

🐻 Welcome LEVI THOMAS 🐻

Baby boy came on 12/11 at 7:29am, weighing 7lbs 3oz and 20inches long! We are just so beyond in love!

Monday morning (12/10) I had my 2nd membrane sweep at 10:30am and by noon started having contractions. Around 8pm they became timeable, and I was told to labor at home a little longer. We stayed home till 2am where the intensity picked up and it was time to come in! We got here and I was still 3cm but 80% effaced, they had me walk for an hour and then I was 4cm. Walked for another hour and then was 4-5cm and 100% effaced and finally then got admitted into the next clean room! By the time I got to the room it was about 5am and my contractions were just back to back and very painful. (Never felt them like that with daughter because she was an induction and the pitocin never got them strong enough) these were an ENTIRELY diff story lol

They went ahead and broke my water and I continued to labor in the bed while I waited for the tub to fill up, at this point I knew if the tub didn’t help the pain I’d 100% ask for an epidural. When I got in the water I instantly thought i had to push so I got right back out after about 5-10 minutes but was still at 5cm. So at 6:15am I got the epidural and only an hour later at 7am I was 10cm and ready. We pushed 3 times and he was here! 💙 no tearing at all, and no hemorrhage (thank god! 🙌🏻) this was a big concern since I did with my first, but there was very minimal bleeding and everything was perfect ! He came out very chatty and alert just looking every where and making noises. We are so happy with how fast everything happened and how great. Starting from 8pm about 11 and a half hours ! (Daughter was 32) This was by far a much more painful labor and almost a blur for me cuz I pretty much had my eyes shut the entire time from the pain lol. But I wouldn’t have had it any other way. He came naturally on his own at 38 weeks 6 days, and we now share a birthday 🥰