New relationships and Christmas kind of sucks

Come Christmas, it’ll only be 2 months since I started dating this guy and we did get pretty serious more quickly than any other relationship I’ve been in.

I am not sure what will be appropriate to get him. I had initially planned to get him an under armour hoodie because he loves mine and threatens to steal it all the time, but then, after my birthday a few days ago, I’m not sure.

He got me a $7 bottle of wine, which is totally fine, I’m just worried a $60 hoodie overspending. That being said, he refuses to let me pay for anything on dates so he has spent a lot on me.


Edit: just to be clear, I was totally cool with the birthday gift. I always feel guilty when someone buys me something expensive though and I’m like “erm uhhh, here’s the $5 bracelet I got you because I didn’t realize we were at this level for gifts” - I don’t want it to be awkward. I do really want to get him the hoodie but I also don’t want him to think I’m trying to push our relationship faster than it’s already moving.

I overthink everything 😩