I need help and tips from all vegan people

3👼🌈💖2018🌈💙2020💖2021💙2023 • God's timing is perfect🙏⛪

Today I decided to finally do something about all this weight I've gained all the diseases in both sides of my family such as diabetes heart failure cancer and so forth I have an 8 month old daughter that I refuse to leave behind and not be there for her as she grows my sister just passed away from cancer at the age of 28 I need help and input from anybody that is vegan on how you started it the first steps you took and what gave you strength to continue I do not want to die I do not want to eat things that make me feel crappy and I definitely do not want to depend on medication to help me live through life I want to be happy and healthy and I want to show my daughter and my future kids the proper and good way to live please if anybody reads this and has something negative to say save your comment I'm not asking for advice from people like you I'm asking for advice from people who can really give me an input and an impact on how it affected them thank you so much and if there is anybody reading this that is willing to be of help for me and help me along the way as I start by telling me the good things to eat other than a salad I would really appreciate it I am open to eating and try and anything so that is not an issue before I close I just want to say thank you for reading this and taking your time to respond God bless you