Is it possible for your body not to know how to labor?

Jolanta • Expecting our little #1, happily married 😊

I’m 40w exactly tomorrow (by my calculations based on ovulation date). My doctor has me as 40+4 based on ultrasound. I’m getting really upset/discouraged as I still have yet to show ANY signs of baby coming soon. I have been 1 cm and “thick” for the last three weeks. There is absolutely no sign of mucous plug (not even a small smear of mucous), I haven’t been getting BH of contractions at all this entire pregnancy. Actually I think I had a real contraction twice both times for a minute after sex and that was it. I’m a FTM and I’m really starting to feel like maybe my body is clueless as to what it should be doing. I keep seeing all these posts of women getting contractions or BH but just irregular or loosing pieces of their plug and I’m just getting so discouraged....sorry for the long rant but I have literally tried EVERYTHING that is supposed to help induce (besides castor oil) just to at a minimum get some hints that my body is gearing up for labor and NOTHING is working. Just getting really upset as I so badly wanted a natural unmedicated birth but it’s looking more and more like that will be total opposite of what I will have 😔