Struggle street


I know none of us are councillors but I could use some tlc.

My Sister in law whom I do like has just found out she is pregnant. I’m the only one who knows, she plans to announce it Xmas <a href="">eve</a> which I was all for!!!

Until she now wants to hold the event at my house and I’m really struggling with that idea because it’s been a year since I found out I was pregnant and I lost that baby and with the baby my left tube. My partner and I are trying for a baby and to have someone else announce in my house is breaking my heart.

All year people have told me they are pregnant and to keep it secret and I’m really struggling with this!

I can’t talk to my husband about it as he don’t know she pregnant so I just sound like a grinch :/


So I spoke with my sister in law through messenger as much as her words seemed genuine, she used the whole I don’t get to see my family often as an excuse.

She says she understands but also says she knew I’d be like this.

Don’t think she understand that I’m not upset she is pregnant, I’m just upset about the timing and the announcement being at my house.

I will see the best in the words she has used. But pretty sure she is going to use my house anyway.

Funny though when she was getting married she asked me not to send my invites till after and I respected her.

I told my husband that I’m really struggling this week and apparently he has been to. I didn’t tell him about his sister though. But at least when the announcement comes he will know why I didn’t want it at our house :/

I also have to remember this is the first time she is pregnant. So her feelings will be all about her and her time. I get that but this is going to a rough Xmas <a href="">eve</a>.

I’m currently trying for a baby so let’s hope I get my baby dust soon

UPDATE: so I told my sister in law a week ago how I was feeling. Her response “ I knew you’d be like this, this is why I told you first “

Ok if you’d knew I’d be like this then why would you want to do it at my house! Anyway she on to tell me she understand. But I’ve been feeling shit all week, I do not want to be that thing ruins someone’s happniess.

Anyway! Last night I cracked, I told my husband. Only because I’m super nervous to go to dinner now Xmas <a href="">eve</a>.

Well guess what HE KNOWS!!! She called him to tell him, she really want it at our house. She got all emotional and told him everything.

Well to my surprise my husband sided with me and told Her it was too much.

Now I’m so excited he knows and I thanked him so much last night. But he thinks his sister is fully understanding of the situation.

Me I don’t know where to sit on this, I feel she has no respect for me, I told her how I felt and I feel she told her brother to get him on side.