Is it just me?


I’m 19 weeks today. We find out the gender on Monday (YAY!)

I want to get as much stuff done as possible as soon as possible.

We already have our crib and bassinet (thanks mom 😊) and we will get the guest bedroom fully converted into a nursery (won’t have everything until after baby shower) but at least have the crib and bassinet hopefully set up by the end of the year because my husband will start working 6 days a week in Jan so we figured might as well get stuff done now while we have time off for the holidays.

Anyways, I already started my registry, got my free pump through insurance, organizing my house, talking to my sister about my baby shower. Planning planning planning. Lists lists lists.

I just don’t want to feel unprepared!! Does anyone else feel this way? I feel like I’m nuts!!

I am also an extremely organized person and my house went into disarray during the first trimester when I was so sick so I’ve been trying to reorganize everything and make room for baby stuff.

Thank goodness my husband and sister understand how neurotic I am about organization 😂

And don’t even get me started on preparing to leave my job 😂

Please tell me my crazy, pregnant ass isn’t alone in feeling this way 😂