Passed my little bean today... **Warning TMI pic


My doctor told me I wouldn't be able to see the sac when it passed, well he was wrong. It got caught to my pubic hairs and as I was wiping I noticed something there and thought to myself, why is my clit swollen like this. A closer look definitely took me back. I carefully removed it and just sat there on the toilet examining it for almost an hour. I can't bring myself to flush it, so I think I will bury it tomorrow. If you look closely you can see little baby x inside. It's amazing to me. Sad but amazing. God Bless all who have gone through this and have the strength to continue on. This is my first mc and when my mom and husband ask how I'm doing my reply is idk. Because I just dont really know what to call all these feelings going on inside of me. We will ttc again I'm just not sure when.