Bullied at 21 by my mother

I am 20 years old turning 21 soon

Recently I noticed that every interaction with my mother starts the same. “You are fatter than yesterday” or “you better watch what you eat” etc. I recently got engaged which made things worse because now she’s overly concerned that I won’t fit my wedding dress even tho I haven’t bought one.

As for my weight I am currently at 179lbs. I have been working out nearly everyday. I have gone vegetarian then went back to eating meat because my mother didn’t enjoy me being vegetarian! Anyways, I’m just looking for some help. Or support.

I am 5’4” 179lbs 21 and so have been fine with my body until I came home for the holidays and have received nothing but hatred towards my body. I don’t feel bad about myself until I get told to feel bad. I then can’t look at myself any different than a fat girl who doesn’t deserve love. I’m sorry for ranting I’m just so angry and don’t know what to do.

Any advice would be nice....also my mom is way heavier than I am so like yeah keep that in mind okay bye