First heartbreak

So me and my ex were together for a year and looking back on it, it wasn’t healthy but I was just happy and excited to finally have someone and figured everything was smooth sailing until he broke up with me.

I was broken. I finally allowed myself to open up and love someone imperfections and all but it ended like this. However, we still were talking and communicating Also, around this time he took my virginity and we got back together.

But I could tell there was a change. He would hang out with his “friends” who just so happen to be girls and they would take pictures all hugged up but he never hung out with me and I was called insecure and crazy for calling him out on it.

Following that I had enough I watched the person that I loved no matter what tear me down and break me. So I broke up with him and I am still struggling I still have love for him and I can’t seem to get over it

Advice ?