Postpartum bleeding

Emily • 💍 FIFO wife ♥️ Aisha ♥️ Amayah

Hi all, I’m almost 3 weeks postpartum now after having another little girl. My bleeding at the start was normal soaking pads etc, then I had a clot at around a week postpartum around the size of a golf ball. My bleeding literally stops for a few days and then starts again I keep getting random gushes of blood, sometimes red sometimes dark red/brown. Small clots the size of a little fingernail, no pain or temperature. My OB said it was fine when I messaged her the other day about the bleeding however I am always a little worried as I had retained placenta with my first which ended in me in emergency surgery. I don’t have any female family members who have had kids so I can’t ask them. Every website I look at says that bleeding should be pink or yellow by this time which I had but then it went away. 🤷🏻‍♀️ am I just strange?