Letting go 😔

I know I’m young and maybe we rushed into it but I’m ready to let go. Him being in the army was difficult, honestly the most difficult thing ever. Then getting deployed for 9 months, the worry and pain I felt was incomprehensible. Especially when no one understands what you’re going through. Early in our relationship I found out he was sending letters to someone he was close to being in a relationship with (while he was in basic) of course I brushed it off after a while. One time when he came home, he had texts with some girl and he said it was his friend trying to set him up and break us apart. Then later I found out he was texting his ex while he was in AIT, she sent me a Dm through Instagram (we were recently married when I found out) of course I wanted to trust him and believed him when he said it was nothing and brushed that off too. Now after him being home from deployment for a month I find out that he was fucking someone over there. I guess I’m to blame since I gave him so many chances, but I’m ready to let go. Being hurt I turned to social media (something he didn’t want me using) I download my twitter which I haven’t used in 2 years. My ex from 8th grade who I don’t even consider an ex since it was a fling basically nothing serious. DMs me and asks how I’m doing, we talk about college and I tell him I’m married and he congratulated me and that was that. My husband sees the messages and gets mad, leaves our apartment and now has all his social media and is texting people saying our marriage isn’t going to work. I’ve given him my all and I honestly think I have nothing else to give