baby bash is here but not home yet 😞



Went for the membrane sweep thing Monday and was told I’d be induced Thursday. Well little man took well to the sweep and my water broke at 1am Tuesday morning. Went to labor and delivery and delivered by 9:30am.

I got the epidural at 3cm (when I got there) it was HEAVEN. I have no clue why people are so against it. I felt zero pain. I was perfectly able to push (only pushed for 40 min - literally was laughing and joking around with my husband and nurses so it was probably less than 10 minutes of actual work). I walked with a nurse to go pee two hours after birth. I didn’t need meds to dilate. The actual needle didn’t hurt AT ALL. I’m telling you. Don’t read the horror stories. I almost chickened out and it would’ve been a mistake not to get it. The whole experience was just great!

So anyway he comes out I put him on the boob and he took it like a champ. We were in the hospital for two nights like normal. Get discharged to go home and BOOM. Less than 24 hours later get a call to go back to the NICU for jaundice. Little man is currently under the lights. I was so upset. Like inconsolable. Anyway. We are still here and probably will be at least until tomorrow.

His numbers are looking good so they are hoping he will be off the lights tonight. Final blood work tmr at 8am.

That’s my fav pic because of his puckered up chubby lips lmao. Sebastian Joseph. December 11,2018 at 9:17am. 7lb 3.8oz. 20.75” long.