Birth Story!

Chelsea • Wife and mama ♡

We checked into the hospital at 6pm on Thursday December 13th. At around 8pm I was given cervadil to soften ny cervix as I was only 1cm dialated and 40% effaced. We kept that in for 12 hours. Around 11pm/12am I started getting contractions and was given some iv pain medicine. Well that didn't last long because my contractions started taking off. At 8am Friday 12/14 they took the cervadil out and I was having back to back contractions and I was 4cm dialated and 70% effaced. At 9am I was given the epidural and was still 4cm dialated but 80% effaced. Well at 11:30am I was checked and I was at 9.5 cm dialated and 95% effaced. By 12pm my water broke and I was 10cm dialated. It was push time! My mom and husband held both legs for me and I pushed with all my strength. Baby's head got stuck in the birth canal and I was starting to tear, so I got an episiotomy. Well after only 40 minutes of pushing and about 16 hours of labor my precious daughter was born. Natalie May Grant born exactly on her due date of December 14th, 2018 at 12:54pm. She weighed 8 pounds even and is 19 inches in length. She is nursing like a champ and is the sweetest little girl. ♡