Pumping after 3 days


My son was born on the 8th and I was pumping about 1.5 oz by 3 days old. Yes 1.5 oz, maybe a little less from each breast. When we came home I was feeling very overwhelmed and the manual pump I was given was difficult to use and obviously nothing like the electric pump I used at the hospital so I decided to stop pumping altogether. That was on the 11th. Last night, the 14th, I decided to start pumping again and I've been consistently pumping every 3 hours and it seems like I'm getting less and less each time. The most I've got was 1.5 oz from both breasts (not each) and it's frustrating because my supply was so abundant before I stopped pumping. Is my body going to stop producing? Or is there anything I can do to produce more? (If this is the wrong group please let me know so I can post it in the right one)