How to let go?

Kelsey • Happily married•Mommy to a sweet princess and 2 boys• One on the way•

Ok, mama’s. My 15 month old baby girl has co slept with us up until the last few weeks. She’s now sleeping in a pack-n-play beside our bed. We are in the process of buying a new house, and her room will be RIGHT across the hall (which is one reason she hasn’t been in her room is because it’s further away).

Oh, and if I shall add, I am currently 26 weeks pregnant with baby #2, who I am going to try to have in his own room at about 3 months.

I’m scared that it’s going to be much harder on me and my anxiety to put her in her own room than it will be on her. I’m so used to sleeping with her and her being in the room with us. Any advice?