long distance

So I am in a long distance “relationship.” It’s really complicated because we dated for a month but I freaked out and said we needed a break. he is such an amazing person— the kind of guy you dream of. But I had been living a lifestyle that he didn’t deserve in a girl. I know what you’re going to say, “Don’t ever change yourself for a boy.” But I was living in a way that made me feel slutty... I was hooking up with guys all the time. I had multiple pregnancy scares. I was using sex to deal with daddy issues and to push away my past. I wanted to heal from that so I could actually be in a healthy relationship with him. So, I told him we should take a break until I got all of this sorted out. He’s been so hurt and really distant. I know he’s not seeing other girls because he told me all of his friends are trying to set him up with other girls but he always says no because he wants me. I guess my problem is is that I am easily persuaded and when he is so far away and not being very social it’s hard to keep pushing through and it’s hard to keep that motivation to get better. Especially when other boys are always tryin to hmu. I don’t know how to feel because I hooked up with this guy (no sex just other stuff) the other day and I just feel like I keep taking steps backward. I don’t know what to do. is that considered cheating? He may be moving back to the US and that’s when he said he would want to talk about being in a real relationship again... I know I need to heal before I can be in a healthy relationship, but it’s just such a struggle sometimes... I just feel like I don’t believe in myself and I don’t know what to do to change because I haven’t ever really tried before