Dec 4th baby


I’m writing because I finally gave birth to my beautiful baby girl but on Dec 13th! It took a little longer and the anxiety of not having her for the actual due date was killing me (so if you’re going through the same thing, I completely understand) but trust me, all of that frustration goes away once you see that little face for the first time and you hear that first cry. You’ll know that the wait was SOOOOO worth it.

I got induced but everything else came naturally. I needed help dilating but my water broke naturally and I pushed for only 15 mins, that’s how excited I was to see her. I wanted to push, I didn’t get scared one bit.

It comes naturally ladies, its a beautiful moment and if you’re super anxious like I was and impatient, I understand but you’ll see her or he so soon!

Enjoy that little bit of pregnancy you have left, it’s going to feel weird when you see a little bump in your belly and not have anything inside. So take it AAAALL IN!