They say the things you want most, will be the hardest work!


Once I hit 38 weeks, I tried ways to induce labor naturally, except castor oil. Nothing worked đŸ˜© I didn’t want to be induced again but was ready to be out of pain, so I opted for a elective induction at 39w5d. I got told to come in at 530am.

We get to the hospital, and the labor/post unit was completely full and I got turned away. I had to wait for a room to become available, so I went back home waiting on that call. Finally at 530pm, I was told to come in. We got to the hospital around 6pm and my pitocin was started at 8:30pm. It was on a low dose of 4, and my contraction started up within 20 mins. Seeing that my last birth took 21 hours, I knew this wasn’t going to be the same. Within a couple hours, I was having horrible back labor and called for a epidural. It took a little long for it to get done because I have a “narrow back” but it was finally complete and I was ready to be pain free. Well.... they didn’t happen. My legs went numb, but I still felt the contractions. It took about a hour and it finally kicked completely in and I went to sleep. Woke up 2 hours later to get checked, I was at 6cm. Within 5 mins, I started feelings contractions again and they were coming fast. The nurse was surprised I could feel them and asked if I wanted them to come redo the epidural and I said no. I then felt my water break and the pain really kicked in. This is no more than 15 mins after she checked me. After seeing the contractions getting closer, she checked me again and I was 9.5 and baby was right there. Next thing you know, the nurses were scrambling to get things, like the table with the birth instruments, etc, for the delivery. Everyone was rushing in, including the doctor. My legs were up against my chest and they said to give a small practice push. Well, that practice push pushed my baby’s head out lol. One more push and his body was out then his legs. They were shocked at how fast I delivered. I was happy to hear my baby cry and to not feel pain anymore lol.

No stitches were needed, like my other two, so I was happy with that. Only problem was I was bleeding a little too much and had to get a shot in my thighs and pills up my butt to stop the bleeding. I was constantly getting my stomach pushed for blood clots and man did it hurt but eventually it stopped. Baby passed all test and we were able to go home the next day â˜ș