I need answers..

Hello ladies,

In 2017 I decided to move with my then fiancé to Ohio for a job promotion. Things were going great. I was able to transfer my job out here. We brought our first house. A new car. Gotten married and boom we were pregnant. Fast forward. My husband has been out of work due to being hurt on the job .I’ve become the bread winner and I feel everything is spiraling out of control.

Since our daughter has arrived I was only able to take 6 weeks instead of my full 12 weeks because we only had my income. So my husband has become a stay at home dad. He watches her from about 8 to 6 since i work 9 to 5 but it’s about an hr drive to and from work. As soon as I get home he passes her off. Which is cool. It’s been a long day he needs a break I’m fine with that. But he doesn’t even let me take my coat off and lately he’s been calling at 4ish asking if I can leave early so he can get a break. If it’s not busy I don’t have a problem leaving a little early but it can not be an everyday thing and if I have to stay late he doesn’t stop blowing my phone up asking when am I going to be home. My daughter isn’t even a bad girl. She’s 3 months. Yes she wants to eat still every 2 hours but other than that give her a rattle or put her in her swing or on her tummy time may and she’s entertained for hours .. I don’t u defat and what’s the big deal? On my days off he is practically out of sight. He gets up at 10am. Works out. Cooks him breakfast. Goes downstairs in his “man cave “ until about 4ish and then he’s out with his friends. I literally asked him to watch her for 10 minutes so I can shower and he screamed at me today is my day off. Like seriously? 10 minutes? I have yet to have a decent shower where I can wash and deep condition my hair ( I’m natural) so if your natural you know wash day is a few hours my hair has been in a bun since baby was born. I wash it as quick and I can when I shower and it air dries. My nails are horrid. My toes are crusty. My eyebrows are bushy. I just feel and look a mess and he doesn’t care as long as he gets his own free time. Last night he left the house at 5pm and didn’t come in until 5am. And when I asked why he didn’t answer any of my calls he said cause I was out with the boys and all you want is for me to come home and watch the baby when I do that all week and I’m entitled to a day off .. which I totally understand .. but just because I’m a mom doesn’t mean I’m not entitled? He gets his haircut every week. I haven’t seen a hairdresser since before I had my daughter. I work. I cook. I clean. I take care of my daughter but I think I’m still entitled to a little me time too.. is that bad ? I pump at work so she can have a few bottles through the night so maybe he’ll get up once to feed her so I can get a little sleep and he’ll roll over and scream at me don’t you hear her crying ? I say there’s bottles in the fridge and he says well get up and make her one or give her your breast I’m trying to sleep. Just forget the fact that I get no sleep during the day at work or when I’m home. But they get to nap three to five times a day .. it’s just so unfair. I’m guessing I just needed to vent. I decided to come out here with no family support and now I’m feeling it. I don’t know what to do