My terrifying birth story


I went in to be induced at 41 weeks and she came the next day as soon as we got checked in and roomed we started medication with me at 1 centimeter which I'd been stuck at for 3 weeks🙄but wait for me to tell you why🤨after starting medicine her heartrate started to drop so we stopped the IV then again I was stuck at 5/6 centimeters for HOURS😔 I went 8 hours without the epidural I got it when I started to have terrible pain in my right hip then I realized she was stuck and told the doctors but of course they said "it's your first it just feels like that"😑I litterly could feel her pushing down and her shoulder in my damn hip I never got the feeling of having to poop just pressure in the front so I lied and said I had to push low and behold they checked me I was at 10 and she had a lot of hair😂I kept yelling shes stuck then after her head kept popping in and out they too realized she was stuck they gave me a third degree cut then she started to come and I started to scream why isn't she crying and blacking out 😭she had respiratory failure and they started yanking her out she was blue and purple and limp when they held her up but I knew she wasnt gone I didn't see her perfect face for 5 hours but I knew then when I heard a tiny whine barely there she was strong and perfect they took her away and her had to be incubated we spent what felt like forever in the NICU I slept in a chair pumped and barely ate next to her so I knew she was still there with tubes down her throat it hurt so bad then I was discharged without her but I never left the hospital I stayed by her side the whole time then we finally came home 3 days ago always listen to your body I can never have a vaginal delivery again my pre pregnancy weight was 110 lbs I'm only 5'3 I'm tiny she was 8lbs 10ounces born at 6:30am so very perfect and strong😍

Happy 1 week to the girl who came so far💖