Did I screw up?? (Haircolor)

Epic • Just taking it day by day.

Soooo it took me hours to realize this but I’m bi polar and in a manic episode. I normally make pretty irrational decisions when I’m manic for instance I woke up this morning, went to the grocery store and bought violet hair dye to color my hair. 🤦🏼‍♀️ long story short I took a nap after I dyed my hair and now that I’m awake I’m beginning to regret this decision. I understand dyeing my hair isn’t the worst decision I could’ve made while manic but my hair is literally my whole being. I cut 6 inches off a few months ago and cried for weeks. So here’s a couple before

Just a natural brown which I was very comfortable with.

Here is after dyeing it and flat ironing it.

It’s so reddish/purple and I’m starting to really regret it.