Birth Story *LONG*

Shanelle • Madison 🥰💜 12/09/2018

For the past couple of days, I had been feeling contractions. They would last for at least a minute, but weren’t close together in time. I was already overdue and over the pregnancy 🙄 I just wanted my little baby girl in my arms 😩 My induction date was 12/09 and I was feeling more consistent contractions 12/07 when I went out with some of my girl friends out eating. The next day, on 12/08, contractions were coming closer together, averaging between 2-7 mins apart and lasting a minute each. I wasn’t too sure if it was labor because it was bearable, but I took my chance and went to the hospital.

I arrived at the hospital at 7 PM and they connected me to the NST. Even though my contractions were close, I wasn’t really considered to be in active labor. My ultrasound was looking good, I wasn’t in excruciating pain, & I was worried that I would be sent back home. However, my baby girl was not really active on the NST, and that concerned the doctor. So at 10 PM, I was admitted at 40w5d !

I was checked and measuring at 2 cm and 75% effaced. To get me into active labor, the doctor inserted cervidil at 1120 PM. The contractions weren’t really progressing, so the next the next time I was checked, I was still the same, even tho my contractions were coming closer together, so she pushed the cervidil in deeper. Now that .. was the worst pain I’ve ever experienced. My thought of going natural went out the window. I was given morphine, which did ABSOLUTELY nothing. I then asked for an epidural and called my fiancé to come to the hospital.

The epidural only numbed my left side completely, and partially on my right, so I was still in a lot of pain, but just not as bad. At 925 AM as I laid in bed, I felt a watery sensation and immediately knew it was my water; I called for the nurse and she checked me and confirmed. I was dilated at 8 CM & was excited to finally be progressing.

.. and then the doctor came in and gave me the news. My baby girl wasn’t responding well with my contractions, and her heart rate kept dropping with each one, which by then were on top of each other. I had to have a c-section. I was kind of upset that my original plans were going out the window, but I just wanted my baby girl to be okay, so they took me in and gave me a spinal tap (worst feeling ever to not feel shit from the bottom down). I was kind of disappointed that I couldn’t see my baby be born, and neither was my fiancé, but once we heard her cries, we knew everything would be alright.

At 1033 AM on 12/09, weighing 6 lbs 11oz & measuring 20 in, my baby girl Madison was born 💜

Today she is a week old 🥰