Any advice welcome ☺️

Hi Everyone! Just some general questions about TTC.

1. How long did it take you to get pregnant (actively trying/<a href="">tracking ovulation</a>)?

2. Any recommendations on how to make my husband feel more comfortable with the idea of having kids? He wants kids so bad - but I think he psychs himself out. He worries that my body won’t be able to handle it and I’ll get sick, the money aspect, he is also military so he worries he will end up being gone for the birth, etc.

I have been patiently waiting for 2 years, as he always has a reason that he feels we should wait for a better time. I am at the point where I’m in tears when a friend announces they are pregnant (I’m obviously very happy for them), but it’s getting harder and harder to see friends and family having babies without being jealous/sad.

Any advice on how you got pregnant faster or what you feel worked for you - please share! Thank you 😊