Bitch move ? IDGAF.

Vanessa • 21. 1 baby, due with #2 02/07/20. Married

So I’m due in February.. for my baby shower NONE of my family showed up from my moms side. Even my really close cousin from that side had a bullshit excuse. My 2 best friends, 2 co-workers, my neighbor and alll of my husbands side showed up.

So basically I’m going to send out an FYI message to all the ones who said “they’ll be there at the hospital” to not come because they had bullshit excuses to not come to the baby shower that me and my husband wasted so much money and effort on.

My neighbor I mentioned that had went was like a little sister to me. Well she came with her friend and no joke within 20 min, they left. Later to find out on snap they went out partying and drinking. I thought it was truly fucked up.

Am I wrong for doing this?