Since I started dating him, nothing has gone to plan...

I’m going to start off by saying that I know life is full of twists and turns, and sometimes when you make plans, life has a different plan in mind... but...

Ever since I started dating my boyfriend (since May 10, 2016), literally NOTHING has gone to plan.

Every time we make plans, they get ruined one way or another. A silly example from the top of my head: We planned a concert about two months in advance with a coworker of mine and her “boyfriend” friend thing that she wasn’t dating but was talking to, ended up having a shitty time because the dude got smashed and was fighting with my coworker. Then my coworker drank, threw up in the bathroom, and for 2 hours I couldn’t find her. Turns out she was in “drunk jail” and her phone died. So our plans went to shit. Couldn’t even enjoy the fucking concert.

That was just a silly example.

Something more serious, my boyfriend and I have been wanting to move out since earlier this year. We live at his dad’s house in the upstairs with a small ass living room, a small bedroom and a bathroom. No kitchen, unless we use his dad’s kitchen, which is always a fucking mess. Dishes are never done, the floor is never swept and the stove top is nasty as hell.

We had the opportunity to move out into an apartment my uncle owns. We’d pay $500 a month, and only the eclectic bill on top of it. I quit my job a month and a half ago because they wouldn’t give me grieving time when my grandmother passed away so I ended up quitting. I’ve been doing EVERYTHING to get a job. I had two interviews and others lined up. What do you know? NONE of these jobs want me, so we can’t move out.

I’m going to school to be a Medical Coder, so I’ve been looking into the medical field for a stepping stone into a company that I could eventually work for as a medical coder. I’ve applied for many places like that, have had interviews, but no one wants to hire me.

On top of everything, my boyfriend decided for both of us that we shouldn’t move out even if we could. He’s rather save money for a house. But he keeps talking about getting another loan for a vehicle to fix up because he’s going to school to be a mechanic. His priorities are such a mess right now and all he does is complain about school and work. From the time he gets home to the time he leaves for school the next day, he just complains. I listen but usually ignore most of it.

So I decided my best bet was to move back with my father into my grandmothers house because my dad and little sister have been living there even before my grandmother passed to help take care of her.

He thinks that if I move out, we’ll grow apart and eventually break up. But right now, It doesn’t sound like a bad idea..... I can’t believe I’m admitting it, but I don’t know what else to do.

And on top of everything, this guy I used to like started talking to me again. We never dated but we went to my senior prom together and I liked him for a very long time, even before I met my now boyfriend.

I’m just at a loss for words. Ever since we got together, NOTHING has gone right. I’m trying to hold it together but even the simplest of plans go wrong. I’m frustrated and I feel like it’s a sign we shouldn’t be together.

I’m hoping when I move out (which will be in the next week), I can talk to him and see what he wants to do.

But I don’t think he’ll want to give us a break because every time I even joke about breaking up he always goes “No..”

He’s not controlling, I promise. He’s just very sure that we’re meant to be together but that’s not the way I see it.

I need some insight on what I should do. How should I handle this situation? I’ve been with him almost 3 years... it’s like he’s home to me, but something is going on. The universe just doesn’t want us together it seems because nothing goes right...