My parents basically decided for me where I'm going to live

This weekend has been a mess. My parents came to visit me and like a dumbass who has an emotionally abusive parent, I opened up about how I felt and now it's being used against me. My step dad is on a different page than my mom. A week ago my mom told me to stay in Washington cause I've been gone for 3 years and we clashed and to get license work and if it doesn't work out come home. Ok word. Today they decided I will move back home keep my cats in an 8x10 bedroom and stay in a guest room. I keep telling them no I will loose motivation and go back to old habits. That's why I got kicked out the first time. And I told my mom I will be homeless and I can't redo what I did before. And she told me if I keep up my emotional state right now I will be homeless in AZ. Great, that is something you should tell your child after you tell them to move back with you and you made them homeless before

I moved away because I feel trapped and I told my parents no and they don't listen. I haven't shut down and I know moving back will make me kill myself cause I have tried so hard to break old patterns and was miserable and felt like I was suffocating everyday and they are making a decision for me. There's more too it but they have only seen me 2 days out of the 8 months I've been gone. Nothin. Is ever good enough for my mom. They pay my bills right now but I'm so close to getting my license and working. I want to stay where I am

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