My little Ximena and my labor & delivery experience.


Well ladies, like I said in another post I was going to share my labor and delivery experience with you all. My baby was born 12/13/18 at 8:35am. At 37 weeks 3 days. Due date was 12/31/18. I had gone in for a regular pre-natal appointment so my doc could check if I was dilated, turns out I was 2 cm but my BP spiked up and protein was found in my urine. So my doctor sent me straight to delivery to be induced. I was trying my hardest to stay calm but holy crap, I didn’t even have anything packed, hubby was at work so you could imagine how I felt! I was admitted to my room, signed all my papers blah blah blah, hubby got there and I was put on pitocin, and the process got started at 2pm on 12/12. They also put these cook balloons in my vagina to help her drop and speed up the process apparently. Sooo labor was really rough as the contractions got intense so fast. By 6am THE NEXT DAY. 12/13 I was still in labor, in the worst pain, my contractions were as strong as they could be and I was dilated at a 9. But the thing was my pelvis is very narrow and small so it did not allow her to drop on her own, so they wanted to wait to see if she would drop but I was yelling at the doctor and nurses that my body felt like I had to push!!! And they wouldn’t listen. Around 7:30am they got the room ready and I got to pushing. It took about 45 minutes and a ton of pushes for her to come out, I was so weak AND i forgot to mention my epidural didn’t do anything for me. So that was great!! I pushed so hard I popped blood vessels in each eye, and my face is covered with popped blood vessels and I literally look like a vampire! she wouldn’t come down at all, and my doctor tells me due to my pelvis being so narrow she could even help me get her out, so they needed to use the VACUM in order to help me because I was on the verge of passing out and just giving up from how much pain I was in. Once she came out it was a blur but she wasn’t responding and they took her immediately away I didn’t even get to see her. No skin on skin, nothing. They stitched me up because I tore (2nd degree) and my doctor announces I needed to go directly into emergency surgery due to my doctor not being able to remove my placenta and my cord being so short

. I started crying because I saw how freaked out my hubby was but he was trying to be strong for me. (He was the best during labor, he’s literally my rock) I then wake up in triage and my hubby explained everything that happened. So my daughters right arm was hurt when doctor was pulling her out because everything was so small and tight and also she was having trouble breathing on her own. So she was sent to the nicu and we couldn’t see her. I started crying because I was so sad and somehow felt it was all my fault. I was finally put in my room, and I was in extreme pain but it was time to recover, all so I could see my babygirl. Sadly I did not have the power to get up that same day but my hubby and family all got to see her. I was sad about it but happy our family was so supporting. They all came to see me I got spoiled with flowers, cookies, Starbucks everything! And they also came to see her also. I was sent home Friday but my baby had to stay in the nicu due to having a feeding tube, oxygen mask and her arm situation. Fast forward to today 12/16 I’m doing okay, still in pain but nothing like before and I’m still extremely exhausted trying everything to get my energy back. sadly she’s still in the nicu probably till Wednesday because her calcium levels are alittle low. We literally stay with her all day or I make sure I’m there in time for her feedings so I can breast feed. This was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do and even then recovery is still so hard physically, mentally and emotionally also it’s so hard not having her home but I know she’s being well taken care of and at the same time I’m also recovering. So it’s okay. She’s my favorite little person and I’m so inlove with her. Everything I went through was worth it.