I think I’m pregnant?!

mamaoffive • 09/2017👣08/2019👣10/2020👣09/2022👼🏻03/2023🌈04/2024👣

I bled for two days last week and when I woke up this morning I decided to take a test even though I’m not due for my period for three more days. Right away the second line popped up on the top test. So, two hours late I took a cheapie and another first response. The first response popped up a little faint but noticeable. The Walmart cheapie showed negative at first but 30 seconds later showed a FAINT positive. I’m just not sure if I’m pregnant or not. I don’t feel pregnant and with my daughter I had morning sickness really bad about this time. I’m so nervous as my husband and I are only 20 and 21 with a 16 month old. Please help put my mind at ease! (Sorry I had this posted in faint lines/no bfp and others said it was very positive so I figured I’d move it)