Life at home vs life with bf

Hope i can make this story short ,my mom took in my sisters friends family of 5 plus a dog. Around the same time i started dating my bf . weve been having alot of troubke with these peiple because theyre all in one tiny room and theyre very very messy . im a clean freak and like things organized and well theyre not , AT ALL. I always complain to my bf because he asks why im always in a bad mood leaving my house or why im always out i try to stay out of the house as much as possible . he offered me to move in with him as soon as the holidays are over but i feel like i bother him with my drama and he doesnt truly want that yet. I dont kniw why i feel embarrassed to tell him i get anxiety having all these strangers in my house (i just met the family i dont know them just my sisters friend) i start shaking and get the urge to cry when i see the mess and hear them screaming loud like it was their house they got too confortable in such little time. I dont want to tell him about my anxiety alot of people just think i exagerate the situation. i really dont know how to deal with anything anymore😥 theres just so much to the story but in the end im the bad person no matter how i explain things do you deal with anxiety when does it go away!!!???