She’s finally here 😍😍 LONG POST!!!


I always loved reading everyone’s birth stories on here so here is mine! I was due 12/1 and since 32 weeks baby was measuring 2-3 weeks ahead. This made me extremely nervous being a FTM and being 5 feet tall and 100 pounds prepregnancy because I absolutely did not want a c section. The doctor checked my pelvis and said it was more than favorable to deliver a 9 pound baby blah blah blah. Okay fine. 40 weeks comes around no sign of labor no contractions no nothing. I go to my 40 week appointment and ask the doctor if he would induce me by 41 weeks if I didn’t go on my own. He did not want to be stated they don’t like inducing first time moms until after 42 weeks.... I fought this one due to the fact that she was already measuring big and because my placenta had been aging significantly since 35 weeks. So he agreed I would go in to start the induction process on 12/6. We get to the hospital at 6am and I get my first dose of cytotec at 10am. I was 1cm 75% effaced before the first dose. I got doses every 4 hours I was making zero progress so I got my epidural at 2am and the doctor came in at 4am on 12/7 and broke my water and started me in pitocin. By 9:30 am on 12/7 I was at 8cm!! I thought wow that’s amazing we’re going to have a baby soon!!! Wrong. I made no progress all day it was 5 pm and the midwife checked me and I was at a 9 almost 10 but there was a flap she couldn’t push over the babies head so she gave me an hour and came back and the flap was now movable but she had to hold it over the babies head while i pushed. I pushed for an hour and nothing happened I was discouraged but very determined I wanted to meet my baby so bad. I really wasn’t in any pain I was just exhausted from not sleeping in over 30 hours. So I pushed for an hour and the doctor came in and said “oh there’s plenty of room you’re going to push that baby out!” So I pushed and pushed and pushed for 3 more hours!! I was exhausted and falling asleep in between contractions using everything I had in every push. 10:30 pm rolls around and the doctor comes in very rudely and says “yeah babies probably not coming through your pelvic bone so I’ll give you a few minutes to talk but youre probably going to need a c section.” At this point I’m so frustrated and scared and tired I just started to cry. My mom said “ you can keep pushing if you want you don’t have to do the c section!” I felt very defeated I felt like my body failed me and I failed my baby it was so emotional. My fiancé and I took some time together and just cried I had a gut feeling that something wasn’t right and I just needed to go ahead and get her here as safe as possible so we agreed to do the c section. At 11:20pm on 12/7 my little girl was born! 8 pounds 10 oz and 21 inches long! She is absolutely perfect. Nothing went as planned but I’m glad I made the choice I did. The doctor told my mother that the babies first apgar score was a 5 and that if I had pushed for any longer she probably wouldn’t have made it. Yes I have a scar on my belly, yes I’ll get over it because I created and brought the most beautiful little girl into this world!!