

I stopped swaddling maybe a month ago because it wasn't making a difference in my baby's sleep and he would grunt and fight it for so long trying to break free. The past two weeks he hasn't been napping well and definitely not sleeping well at night. It got to the point that he screamed if I even started to put him down. We also need to start to transition to the crib because he's getting big for the bassinet. So I started swaddling again. He slept for almost 6 straight hours in his crib. So I just ordered a new halo swaddle sack because he's too big for the others and the blankets make me nervous. But now I'm questioning if I should really use those or just use the blankets? He is 3 months old. I know you're supposed to start transitioning away from the swaddle now... Anyone have some thoughts to share on your experience or research? Real mom experience is better to me than articles!