vvvvvvfl, pregnant?

I don't have a picture because it was too faint to capture on my terrible camera, but the line was 100% there. It's the first day of my missed period and my period is usually never late.

However, the line appeared a little while after the time window. But I've tested many times before and even checked 30 minutes after (come on, we've all done it right) and there's never ever been a line, but this time there was a line ten minutes after and the time window was five minutes.

I'm on the coil so I know the chances are slim, but with everything that's happened to me I'm paranoid at this point. I do not want to be pregnant, I literally wouldn't be able to handle it. I have a 15 month old (13 months adjusted) and a 5 month old (six weeks adjusted) who just came back from the hospital 4 weeks ago. I'm exclusively pumping and I've noticed a big drop on my milk supply which is unusual for me, to the point I've had to give baby some formula.

I don't even know what the point of this post is, but has anyone else had a vvvvfl and it turned out to just be negative?

Of course if my period doesn't come I'll test again in a couple of days, I'm just so scared.