A New Beginning

Maria • 06.06.19

For almost my whole life I struggled with depression, social anxiety & bipolar disorder. I’ve had these issues since I can remember. I recall being a kid & not understanding why I felt so sad all the time. I would come out & play sometimes, but for the most part I would lock myself away in my room & drift off into my own little world. As I got older this got worse, making school very difficult for me. I dropped out of school twice because of this. I never really felt like I could talk to anyone about these problems, & when I did I would feel so weak & ashamed that I had made myself so vulnerable to them. After my senior year, I started working for the first time. I would have anxiety attacks before work because I was forced to socialize. Overtime this helped me overcome that problem. Now I LOVE talking to people & getting to know them on much deeper levels than just hi & bye. Do I still get shy? Of course, but not like before. BD did make work tough when I would enter my manic depressive episodes. I’ve had to jump from multiple jobs within 3 years due to this. Right before I found out I was pregnant I was going through a tough time. I was kind of lost, not really sure of what I was doing with my life or what my purpose was. Little did I know the hormones in my body going wild because of a little seed being planted had a part in these emotions. I didn’t want to go to work I didn’t want to do anything but sleep & eat my life away. Then I started getting terribly sick (nauseous 24/7). This is when my boyfriend started telling me, “You’re pregnant”. However I was in much denial. I brushed it off as me being stressed or just catching a fever. 2 weeks go by & my period is still late. The months prior to this I had been getting AF pretty late so I didn’t think much of it. I finally decided to take a test, thinking it’s just going to be negative anyway. I took 2 & they were both positive. Took another, positive & another, positive. It took the nurse actually telling me I was pregnant for it to really hit. I was on a roller coaster of emotions. I was so overjoyed because I always had this fear I couldn’t have kids, I was afraid of what my boyfriend would say, what our family would say since we are so young. I am now 4 months along & I must say, this is the best thing to ever happen to me. This has brought me closer to not only my SO, but his family as well. I finally feel like I have a purpose, everyday I wake up hopeful, I have something to look forward to now. This has been a wake up call in so many different ways, I’m finally getting my life on the right track. I’m a month away from finishing school & I couldn’t be happier. I still have low moments sometimes especially with my hormones, but it usually only last an hour & then I’m happy again. My lows aren’t so low anymore. I’ve been seeing 11:11 all the time. This angel number represents new beginnings. My baby is giving me another chance to do better & to learn what it truly means to LOVE unconditionally. My friends think it’s crazy that I’m gonna have a baby, & they think I’m ever crazier when I say this, but... I couldn’t see my life going any other way. I imagine what my life would be like if i hadn’t gotten pregnant & it’s something i just cant picture. This IS what I am supposed to be doing right now. The universe makes no mistakes. I believe in perfect timing & the perfect time is NOW.