Need help or advice please


So I was on the iud birth control for almost two years. I had it removed due to complications and switched to the pill in September. I was on the pill up until the week we came back from our cruise in November. I had taken the pill straight forward because my period was supposed to start on the day we left for our cruise and I didn’t want it to start because it would happen the whole time being on the cruise. So I didn’t take the placebo pills (the last week of pills) and just took pills from the next pack so I didn’t get my period on the cruise. I took my pills up till November 22nd and then forgot to take them for a few days. I thought maybe I’ll wait for my period to start and then restart my pills with new pack. Well I still have not started my period and its now December 17th. Haven’t had unprotected sex since the cruise. Took a test December 5th and it came up negative. Can anyone tell me if that has happened to them or what could be wrong. I think I’m gonna get another test today to check again but could I be pregnant?