Scheduled an induction and so damn tired of people!


I'm 41 weeks now and my body is not progressing so I made the desicion to schedule an induction. Some family members knew I had an US today, which showed that my amniotic fluid is low, not low enough to be hospitalised or dangerous but low enough that I need to have him very soon because it will continue to decrease, I'm chugging water like a camel to get it up. Well family members of course started calling and I told them that I'm inducing in a couple days. Reactions were mixed but some of them really got under me skin. I was planning to do this all natural and now thats out the window and I had a few people who were so disappointed that I'm not holding out till it happens naturally. Like I'm already disappointed that my body isn't going into labor on its own and that this pregnancy is about to be at risk if I don't have him. I feel betrayed by my body. Now I have family members (MIL in particular) expressing their disappointment as well, nice lets just pile on the shit that I already have to deal with.

I also have made it clear this whole pregnancy that no one except my SO will be with me during labor and delivery and several hours after birth and my mother thinks that this is the best time to throw a bitch fit over not being allowed in. She made the argument that now that I'm being induced I have to let her in because I wont be able to move around and I will need help. She started crying on the phone. I just don't get how people seem to always make every about them! This experience is between me and my SO and nobody else. I'm just really done right now.