Christmas Gifts for Mother


Okay ladies, I need some serious help. I’m still on the search for the perfect gift for my mother...but the situation is complicated.

My mother is currently dying. She’s been fighting a rare terminal cancer for five years. She’s currently in liver failure and bed bound and has a few weeks but she still deserves something for Christmas (even though I’d love to give her the world). Her current situation that’s making everything difficult:

-She sleeps constantly because of pain meds

-She has an open wound down her entire stomach with a wound bag (making any kind of bath type things to be out of the question)

-She can’t write

-She can’t leave the house

-Her fine and gross motors have decreased significantly

She simply can’t do much. Especially by herself. I’ve already printed pictures of my daughter off for her to be framed and gifted but that’s just not enough to give to her. Any ideas ladies?