Young mom needs encouragement


I’m 16 and 24 weeks pregnant right now and the father is In our lives. He’s graduated with a full time job and makes 26000 grand a year, I’m at a alternative school to graduate early and work 5-6 days a week and about to start waitressing to make some more money on my days off and before my Saturday and Sunday shifts (I work nights on Saturdays and Sundays). We are about to get our first apartment together and our relationship is actually going amazing. I’m so stressed though about money. What if we don’t have enough when our son is born? What if we fail. We luckily don’t have to pay for daycare which is gonna help so much. I refuse to drop out and when I’m finally graduated (I was a sophomore) I’m gonna go to college to be a ultrasound tech.

My mom told me last night her and her husband where moving away for a job across the state and that just put a lot more on me. Me and my mom never get along but I need her here for the first few months of my sons life because idk how to raise a Baby.

I just really need encouragement right now and to know everything is gonna be ok, sorry if this post is a scattered