Body cams to analyze body language


Crime shows have always fascinated me. There was a small segment—I think it was on 20/20–of Chris watts when he found out his neighbor’s security camera had captured him backing his truck into the garage. Which, we now know, was him backing into the garage to load the bodies of his family into his truck. So, how did we see his reaction firsthand? The cop, who was called to the scene when Shanann first went missing, had his body cam rolling the entire time.

You can watch the video on YouTube, of Chris Watts showing up after the cop does, and his reaction when he actually sees his neighbor’s footage (Watts, the cop, and neighbor are watching the footage in the neighbor’s home) and knows he’s busted. It would take a blind person not to see how anxious/nervous he is. It’s also recording as Watts changes his story several times, just with the cop standing there, and captures the neighbor’s concerns about Chris on film.

All of this got me thinking—do you think body cameras can be valuable tools in trials? Do you think they can unknowingly be used to help bring suspects/killers to justice?