Emotional Support Animal (I'm sorry it's a long post)

I've been struggling with sevier depression and am now on anti depressants but I still fell off...I have no ambition and I go in to panic attacks sometimes when I get stuck in my head and sleep anywhere from 3 -11 hrs a night/during the day...I've been to a therapist and I've talked to my doc (she prescribed me the antidepressant & my therapist thought it would be a good idea) There have been times when I will go and just be with the therapy animals on campus or go to a pet store and hold the cats there and it helps me lot... I have a cat that has been living at home and well I don't know if I should register her as an emotional support animal?... I'm getting an apartment because I can't afford to live on campus anymore and I'll be by myself for the first time...and well I'm just scared of being alone at night and since the pet store cats and therapy animals help me I though it might be a good idea...or I could be just dumb idea for me and I would be actually hurting people who need services and support animals...idk...I need an outside perspective/advice...