Crazy day!


Came in last night (12/16) to start an induction at 39 weeks. Did 12 hours with cervadil to soften my cervix and then switched directly to pitocin at 1pm. Had some decent cramping about 430 and asked to be checked as the pain was getting pretty intense. She checks me and I’m still at 1cm 😫 cue total break down from me thinking he will never come out. They gave me an iv pain med and I slept for about 45 minutes then woke up to even worse contractions coming quick! I tell the nurse About 7pm that I can’t handle it and luckily my doctor was here so he came in to check me, and he was going to break my water. He asked if I wanted the epidural and I cried I was so relieved. He checks me and I’m at 7cm!! They call for the epidural and of course everyone was occupied with a csection. They check me 15 minutes later and I’m at a 10 and they tell me there’s no time for meds 😳 they hurriedly get everything ready my doctor gets back in and tells me to wait! I’m pretty much scared crazy at this point! Natural was not my plan I don’t like pain! But 8ish pushes later I delivered a very healthy 8lb 10oz baby boy at 8:59pm! He’s already latching like a pro and has the cutest personality! Everyone’s doing great and his big sister is beyond excited!