Should i report him? (Mental health)


My brother is 20 and lives at home with my parents, sister, my daughter and myself. Im 19 and my baby is almost 4 weeks old. My brother has always seemed off but it wasn’t a until about a year ago my mom brought him to be tested for Aspergers that he was referred to a mental health hospital to be followed by a team of psychiatrists. So let me give you some background. Previous to seeing anyone we just thought he had a lot if connections with autism; just maybe not as bad so we were thinking Aspergers. He was obsessive about things and extremely socially awkward. He doesn’t work or go to school, he doesn’t have a single friend and he doesn’t leave his room. From the second he wakes up until the second he goes to sleep he plays video games in his room with no breaks and honestly if he didn’t have them i don’t even know what he would do. He had decent hygiene with the exception of not really brushing his teeth. Since he was little he has been very paranoid. He wont cook his own food but he also thought that my mom would poison his food (he would still eat it i believe). On the rare occasion he would leave the house to get a coffee he thinks people are following him and want to kill him- it never actually stopped him from going out though. So anyways after some time at the clinic his doctors have diagnosed him with schizophrenia, OCD and Aspergers. He started antipsychotics and an SSRI and seemed to be getting better. Just recently we have noticed him getting worse then we have ever seen him before; even without medication. He is now to the point where he literally refuses to take care if himself which he claims is just out of pure laziness. He goes weeks without showering, brushing his teeth, shaving, and he hasn’t had a hair cut in along time so he just looks a mess. The only way he will shower is if my mom nags him to do it enough times (which usually takes a week). He sits in the same clothes for weeks. His appetite is great tho he eats lots. So anyways getting to the point. As i said he has always seemed off but never “crazy” or dangerous. He just comes off very lazy, goofy and sensitive. Just recently he has been not doing so well it seems. He walked into my moms room and said “i want to stab something so bad right now” and then continued to say “imagine how easy it would be to kill iylah (my newborn)”. My mom told him to go entertain himself. He went into the kitchen and grabbed a knife and started stabbing a plastic coffee cup. My mom told my sister not to tell me this. I wouldn’t think he would hurt my daughter but seeing how he has been lately i don’t want to say for sure he wouldn’t. Im really uncomfortable by these comments but my mom is just pushing it off like he doesn’t mean it and just wants attention. Im not fond of the idea of just brushing off the psychotic comments of a schizophrenic especially when it comes to my daughters safety. Im not really sure what to do? Is it my place to call a welfare check on him? I want him admitted to a mental health facility. Would you report him in this situation or kind of mine your business and keep a close eye on the baby?

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