F*ck Infertility


I can't be the only one who feels this way.

The one thing I am biologically manufactured to do and it just isn't happening. Ovulation tests, tracking everything, injections, pills- and nothing but BIG FAT NEGATIVES. You're doing everything right: healthy diet, healthy lifestyle, healthy sex life. All you've wanted to be when you grow up is a Mom and every month that dream is ripped away from you in the form of vaginal bleeding and menstral cramps that cause you to double over in pain.

Gearing up for family Christmas parties when everyone will undoubtedly ask when you and your husband will finally start a family. Eager grandparents looking for more babies to spoil, nieces and nephews who want another cousin. They don't mean to hurt your feelings. Even if they know you're struggling with infertility they offer the "God will give you a baby when it's your time" or "just dont think about it and it will happen" or whatever similar line loved ones feed you.

And people all around you are gettting pregnant. Your sister- who had no trouble getting pregnant. Your coworker- who didn't want a baby. Your single friend- who had a one night stand and "doesn't know how it happened." Of course I am happy for the people in my life, but WHEN WILL IT BE MY TURN?

When do I get to throw up everything someone brings fried food into the office? When do I get to send my husband for broccoli cheddar soup at 9:00pm? When do I get to cry happy tears while I listen to my babies heartbeat?

Im just mad. Mad at my body, mad at my situation, mad at the universe.

Stay strong ladies- and when you're not, vent about it online. 😔