Male infertility?

Dh was tested last mo & his semen analysis came back normal. So dr told me I could have L’Oreal phase defect & put me on progesterone. I took it last cycle & stopped before I was finished w my 12 pills bc I was sooo sick & dizzy. I googled lp defect, & have 0 symptoms of that. My lp is 14-15 days long. Periods are completely normal.

She did say us having sex every day is too much. So we tried skipping a day here & there last 2 cycles. I’m only 8 dpo & hope this one worked. However, if it didn’t.. I’m really worried we can’t conceive.

My dr said if nothing happens this mo, she’s putting me on clomid. But I don’t see why.. I am ovulating. I confirm w opks & bbt. My cycle is a reg 29-31 days & always has been. I have 3 children from previous marriage.

Is there any ways dh could be infertile & still have a normal SA????

It’s only been 6 months, but every other time it happened first try.. so maybe I’m just being impatient. However my ob thinks there is an issue. Just confused...