Walking around 6cm dilated, didn’t even know it..

Marissa • I have 2 girls, 12& 7 and my rainbow baby boys 5 and 2. 2 mc, 8/14 & 1/15.

Went in for my midwife appt, 39w2, she says you are VERY dilated, 6cm, stretchy 7. Went home to pack and headed back to possible break water and get this baby out!


Appt was at 2:30pm when I found out I was at 6cm. went home and packed, got to the hospital at 5:30pm, and was checked right away, 9cm!!! Couldn’t believe it, really didn’t feel much discomfort at all. Broke water at 6pm and our baby boy was born at 7pm! The contractions definitely picked up right after water was broke, I got in the water for about 25 min, had to pee so got out and sat on the pot for one contraction. That wasn’t going to work, so I decided to get back in water, only to get out a few minutes later because I was feeling like passing out. Went to the bed and pushed for about 15 min and he was out. To make this even more crazy, he weighs 9lb 15oz!!!! I am still in shock, but so happy I got to have the unmedicated birth I was hoping for. Only a minor perineal tear, 2 stitches.