Birth Story of Baby #2 💙 Long Story


It all started Friday Evening, something was telling me not to go to work but I just thought it was my laziness getting the best of me as usual but this time it was really a sign. I went to work at 1pm very sore from working previous shifts but still pushing, I was experiencing light contractions but nothing out of the ordinary. As soon as I got off I felt my contractions getting a little stronger but still not consistent. I went home took a nap to prepare myself to take my fiancé to work around 11:30pm but woke up around 9:30.. by this time my contractions were stronger and a little more consistent but I still didn’t want to go to the hospital just yet so I started timing them to keep track since I expected to be alone after 11. Time passed and contractions were still about 5-6 minutes or more apart. By the time it was time to take my fiancé to work they were 3-4 minutes apart, while I’m driving him to work I was in a LOT of pain, he insisted on driving but I am a stubborn soul so I kept telling him I was fine. Luckily the pipes busted at his job so his boss just told him to come in the next day because there was no work today. I stopped at the gas station to get a large cup of ice but could barely walk so I told him to get it and finally asked him to drive for me. I told him tonight may be the night, I was scheduled for a c section on the 20th so I was prepared but not prepared all at the same time, I had mixed emotions.

I told him if I’m still having contractions after I take a warm bath then we need to get our daughter dressed and head to the hospital. Sure enough that’s exactly what we had to do. We arrived at the emergency room, I could still barely walk at this point because the contractions were coming back to back but I made it. The ladies checked me in and we began to wait for someone to come get me I was unaware that kids under were not able to come to the labor and delivery floor so I had to call my mom to come pick up my daughter, the lady didn’t want to wait which led me to leave her and my fiancé in the waiting room.

I was placed in a room at 2:30 am, the nurse greeted me and began to get the process started with giving me fluids through an IV under the assumption that I might be dehydrated and wait until the sack was half way done before calling my doctor. She also checked me and I was only 4cm dilated. 2 hours later, in more pain than ever, my fiancé was holding my hand to help me fight through the pain. The nurse finally came back to check my IV bag and cervix, and she immediately called my doctor come to find out I dilated to 7cm. When she came back she told me they were going to prep me for my c section.. my heart dropped and I was so nervous. I really did not want another c section even though I had one scheduled, my doctor did that just in case he wasn’t coming down like my daughter, which was definitely my situation. I also had to use a doctor on call because my doctor wouldn’t be available until Monday.

Everything after that happened so fast, I had spoken with everyone at 5:45 they started my procedure I was exhausted and the epidural helped me sleep while the doctor did the procedure but I was still awake, at 6:18 I heard the doctor say the baby was coming and I instantly woke right up to hear my baby cry and boy was he loud. I was so relieved.

After they cleaned me up I had to wait a couple of hours for a room and until I could move my legs again to be reunited with my babies. The nurses were super nice I was so thankful for all of them throughout my hospital stay.

And also for my fiancé for his support once again.

Welcoming my beautiful baby boy

Luciano Iclyn Duwion Lee

@ 6:18am

6lbs 10oz

I didn’t get to the pictures that I wanted because my phone died after delivery but I am thankful for a safe delivery.