Birth Story‼️

Abby • Momma x2 ❤️

On August 7, I gave birth to a baby boy 💙 I was so over my pregnancy already, so I heard that sex 😏 helps bring on labor so that’s what I pretty much did on August 5, next day I was having mild contractions throughout the whole day, they were bare-able they just felt like period cramps. Anyways, in the morning I had gotten a strong headache & I took Tylenol 1000 mg (doctor said that’s the highest you can go not over it.) I was fine throughout the day, getting some last minute things for the hospital bag since my due date was on August 8 not knowing what would happen that day. Around 10:00 pm my headache came back & I didn’t want to take more Tylenol & also my contractions were getting a little stronger & they 2-5 apart but still bare-able, so that’s when I told my husband to let’s get our bags & head to the hospital. We arrived & they admitted me to triage. Omg! That room was so cold!!!! It make my contractions come faster & stronger, at 38 weeks I was dilated to 3cm so when they checked me again I was still a 3 so they told me if I wanted to walk to see if I would dilate, mind you my contractions are now stronger I could barely take a few steps without stopping. I walked down the halls of the hospital & eventually went back to triage because my back was starting to hurt & needed to lay down. So I want back, laid down & a nurse came in to check my cervix, thankfully I dilated to a 4 & they kept me 🙌🏼 they moved us to a room at around 1 am, they put an IV & meds to ease the contractions, it helped me because I eventually took a nap lol I napped all the way to 6:00 am, when the meds started to ease off & the contractions were back. At this point I’m moaning & trying to breathe through them. My mother-in-law got there around 1 am when they had moved me to a room so I had my husband & mother-in-law there, they were also napping but she woke up to my moans & woke my husband up to call the nurse. I didn’t want the epidural but I just couldn’t take it anymore so I asked for it but before they can give it to me they checked to see how much I dilated. I dilated to 7cm, so I had to wait maybe 30 minutes until they could give it to me because the guy was busy with another girl. Finally, he came in & set up everything, 10 minutes later he was done & didn’t take long & it started to work, MAN was I so happy afterwards lol because I was able to talk & breathe 😂 after he was done I went back to sleep lol. My parents arrived to the hospital at around 8 am to see me. At 10, the nurse comes in to check to see how much more I’ve dilated, I was at a 8, at this point they break my water. An hour later, they come again with my doctor & they check & I’m at a 9.5, wasn’t able to dilate to a 10 because they told me I had to push, my son’s heartbeat wasn’t going up nor down so they got worried & also he had pooped inside of me. In two pushes my baby boy was out. After he let out a small cry, I just started bawling my eyes out, i didn’t even care if they were stitching me even though I was able to feel EVERYTHING I just didn’t care I just wanted my baby boy in my arms already 😭

Ian Joshua Flores 💙 7lbs 20 1/4 in. tall 🧸

Baby boy & I 🤱🏻❤️

One week old ❤️

One month old 😍

2 months dappered up 🥰

I melt every time he gives me this face 😭💙

3 months old “baby jack jack” ❤️

4 months fast forward, he’s one happy baby 💕

When he was at his 4 month check up & shots 😢