

Ladies, I finally have had my little girl!

She is beautiful and I’m so in love!♥️

She was 4 days late, came out 9 pounds 15oz and she was 21 inches long.

I woke up at 4:30 with contractions that woke me up from a dead sleep. Well I took a warm bath to see if they were gonna stop. They didn’t. So around 8 8:30 I finally came to the hospital. I had a doctors appointment at 11 this morning anyways so I figured if I got set home I’d go to the appointment and go home.🤷🏻‍♀️

I got into the room and they checked me and I was at 4 centimeters and 80% effaced! Which was crazy to me! I sat at 2 centimeters for two weeks straight!!!😩😩

Well they said they were gonna keep me! 🎉🎉🎊 so I go to labor and delivery and I get checked around 1:30 after my epidural and I’m at a 7!!! Well to get it going just a bit faster, I was given Pitocin and I’m at a ten just an hour later!

Just pushed 3 times for ten minutes and she was out!!

To all the moms going crazy ladies I understand it completely and I swore I wasn’t gonna go into labor and swore up and down I’d have to be induced and i just was miserable but those babies will come!

Ladies, my Rylee Faith Lambert Finally came into this world.♥️